marketingI've just read the article How did WordPress win? (http://www NULL.majordojo NULL.com/2011/02/how-did-wordpress-win NULL.php), which talks about how Wordpress took MovableType's public.
It's very interesting, and I decided to comment about Wordpress pros and cons. Here's a copy of what I said:
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When I started working on my theme, I was lost on finding resources like images and code files.
Child themes was a great addition to Wordpress, but IMHO it lacked support from functions to locate data that is easier to find on a unique theme structure. Functions are not intuitive, same functions behave differently when we are in parent-child structure from when we have only 1 active theme, and documentation also doesn't help.
With this article I try to clear it up a bit and share what I've learned.
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Most people don't really bother with XHTML validation. Indeed, I'd say that 99,98% of all webpages on the Web today have their DOCTYPE setted automatically (be it for a site builder or a CMS) without its author even knowing about it.
Just browse sites over the Web, even from big companies, and you'll see how rare it is tp find a HTML document 100% valid.
In this article I'm gonna talk a bit about validation in general, about XHTML validation when JavaScript is in place, explain the problems I've faced with my Wordpress plugin Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator when I tried to insert JavaScript inside posts, and what I did to solve it. That's a lot to talk, so use the following Table of Contents to go directly to your concerning subject, or read the whole article with no hurry .gif)
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participateHikari Email & URL Obfuscator is a Wordpress plugin that obfuscates emails and URLs, so that spam bots and search engine crawlers can't find them, while real users can.
I've already posted its main page with general info, now in this article I'm gonna present a tutorial teaching how to tweak it's custom parameters, to narrow a bit more its behavior. Stay tuned.
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informationI consider very ambiguous the way some plugins should be upgraded and the proper way of uninstalling them, so I believe I should explicitly explain it for my plugins.
In the following article you will have detailed instructions regarding plugins uninstallation. It may look complicated, and you may even think my plugins are complex to unintall, but it's just because most plugins developers neglect these informations. Indeed, my plugins are easier to install and uninstall than most plugins, I'm just giving complete and extensive instructions .
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feedbackMany people when start developing plugins and themes to Wordpress don't notice the consequences of writing messy codes until it is too late.
I decided to decicate a whole post to this prefix matter because I know I will come back to it always when possible, and it will be easier to have a post to link instead of repeating myself.
Using a prefix means that, for each plugin or theme we create, we choose a small string that describes this piece of code, and in every function/class, and even hook tags, we add this string before its name.
It may seem boring to those people that still don't understand why this is important, but I'll explain.
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Wordpress TagCloud
If you have any kind of website, and this website has some articles/posts, you probably has a tag cloud on it. If you have this kind of website and doesn't have a tag cloud, you should.
In this article I'm gonna introduce you to tags and tag clouds, show how Wordpress's default Tag Cloud's markup is and talk about Simple Tags, a Wordpress plugin that enhances its tags management UI and also generates its own enhanced Tag Cloud.
After that I'm gonna talk a bit about Semantic and Accessibility, show how these tag clouds are ugly in Semantic and Accessibility point of view, and show how we can improve Simple Tags's Tag Cloud using its almost overlooked core configs.
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Recently I've made a post that had become really large. While I was still preparing it, I was faced with a damn situation: when it was published it was showing an empty page!
Header, sidebars, footer, post title, comment area... they were all there, but the post itself was gone. How was that possible?
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