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  1. 1
    flag Windows XP Mozilla Firefox 3.6.10

    Possible Bug

    gravatar Comment by James Davis (http://awfulgames NULL.com):
    Sunday, 17 Oct 2010, at 1:04:29 AM, 14 years, 3 months ago | # |


    I've been having a little trouble with the plugin lately. I select a category for the permalink, and I save it, but when I look at it later, it has reverted back to the lowest number category and I have to re-save it. Any idea what might be causing this to happen?



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    1. 2
      flag Windows XP Mozilla Firefox 3.6.10
      gravatar Comment by Hikari:
      Sunday, 17 Oct 2010, at 1:30:32 AM, 14 years, 3 months ago | # | replying James Davis |

      I’ve faced that too, just this week. I noticed my last 20 posts lost their category permalink and I had to reset them again.


      I was thinking what might be doing that, but code is very clean and only way of deleting a postmeta would be calling the savePost() method.

      ATM I’m believing the ‘transition_post_status’ action is being called by WordPress in rare situations, maybe when saving drafts, or quick edit or just the posts edit.php page.


      Also, there’s no command to delete a postmeta and restore default behavior. Because of all that I’ll just remove the "auto" deleting feature and try to add a command where users can manually delete this meta, and that will be the only way of having a post’s category permalink removed.


      Just give me some days and I’ll have it published. We can’t have our data being deleted without our will.


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      1. 3
        flag Windows Seven Chrome 7.0.517.44

        Same problem

        gravatar Comment by Chris:
        Thursday, 11 Nov 2010, at 8:21:20 AM, 14 years, 3 months ago | # | replying Hikari |



        it seems that there is a bug in posts that get puplished in the future. If you set the permalink and set a publish date in the future the permalink gets lost. In our case we are using a structure like "Cat A – SubCat A" If the article gets released than the permalink is only "Cat A" and not Cat A – SubCat B" anymore. Any idea? Thanks, Chris

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        1. 4
          flag Windows XP Mozilla Firefox 3.6.12


          gravatar Comment by Hikari:
          Friday, 12 Nov 2010, at 9:03:49 PM, 14 years, 3 months ago | # | replying Chris |


          Really thanks! With your description I was able to finally find what was wrong with the plugin and fix it!


          It was a dumb mistake, inherited by original sCategory Permalink, that I didn't notice. Really sorry about it.


          Unfortunatelly, the plugin now requires my new Tools Framework plugin, as almost all other plugins, but I didn't write instructions for installing it yet. And I really really don't have time for it now, I'm totally full of stuff to do and can't take the time to explain to less skilled users how the framework is needed for other plugins to work. And I also need time to do some tests before making it public.

          So, it will take some more time for the complete fix to be published. For now, v1.00.08 disables metadata deletion, so I suppose there's no way in this version for having a category permalink being deleted.


          I apologize again for the trouble and for not publishing the fix yet.

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