Spam is website publishers #1 concern, we wanna share our and our visitors' emails to those who should have access to them, but don't want spam harvesters stealing them and sending garbage to us. A lot of techniques had been developed to hide our emails from these delinquents, while having them shown to real people.
And together with spam harvesting, on 15 June 2009, Matt Cutts, a well known software engineer of Google, announced that Google Bot will no longer ignore nofollowed links for PageRank (http://www NULL.mattcutts NULL.com/blog/pagerank-sculpting/), and now we lose PR/link juice for every link we add to our pages, even if we use rel="nofollow" on them. So, now we must hide links from Search Engines too!
I've been searching for an ultimate obfuscation solution for both emails and URLs, that would be user-friendly for me the content publisher, and for my visitors. I've seen a lot of solutions, some that inspired me, but none that would fit my needs. It was time to start coding .gif)
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Don't worry anymore of linking a post or a category, to later change its title or slug, or changing your posts permalinks, and creating invalid links to your own site pages.
Hikari Internal Links provides a shortcode that dynamically generates links to most Wordpress resources. You can query these resources based on their ID or slug, and these links are generated dynamically. Therefore if you change a resource's title or permalink, its links will be updated automatically.
- A shortcode generates links to internal pages dynamically
- If the permalink changes, links are updated automatically
- You can get links based on resources ID or slug
- If resource isn't found, you get a warning text surrounded by class
wpdberror , which is hidden from your visitors and shown to you with a yellow background so that it's easy to notice and fix
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Wordpress has a "bug" regarding marking up JavaScript inside posts and pages, and Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator unfortunately is affected by it. This "bug" breaks XHTML validation, and something has to be done to surpass it and have a properly valid XHTML code, while the "bug" is not solved.
If you wanna see the whole story, you can read it at XHTML, validation, JavaScript and Wordpress. Either way, here you will have a detailed description of Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator's options.
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Most people don't really bother with XHTML validation. Indeed, I'd say that 99,98% of all webpages on the Web today have their DOCTYPE setted automatically (be it for a site builder or a CMS) without its author even knowing about it.
Just browse sites over the Web, even from big companies, and you'll see how rare it is tp find a HTML document 100% valid.
In this article I'm gonna talk a bit about validation in general, about XHTML validation when JavaScript is in place, explain the problems I've faced with my Wordpress plugin Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator when I tried to insert JavaScript inside posts, and what I did to solve it. That's a lot to talk, so use the following Table of Contents to go directly to your concerning subject, or read the whole article with no hurry .gif)
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Hikari Titled Comments plugin enables each comment to have a title, so that commentators can give a subject meaning to their comments.
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homepageHikari Email & URL Obfuscator is a Wordpress plugin that obfuscates emails and URLs, so that spam bots and search engine crawlers can't find them, while real users can.
I've already posted its main page with general info, now in this article I'm gonna present a tutorial teaching how to tweak it's custom parameters, to narrow a bit more its behavior. Stay tuned.
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Poisé, entrei pra modinha do microblogging 
Vou usar o Twitter pra falar de coisas menores, q naum justificariam 1 post no site. Vou tentar por um tempo, se naum vingar abandono a moda 
@HikariWordpress (http://twitter NULL.com/HikariWordpress)
@HikariWS (http://twitter NULL.com/HikariWS)
Vou falar dos meus sites, principalmente referers engraçados q eu ficava mostrando pros amigos online e naum tinha lugar pra colocar 
@HikariBR (http://twitter NULL.com/HikariBR)
O menos promissor, vou falar de assuntos ligados ao Brasil.
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homepageI consider very ambiguous the way some plugins should be upgraded and the proper way of uninstalling them, so I believe I should explicitly explain it for my plugins.
In the following article you will have detailed instructions regarding plugins uninstallation. It may look complicated, and you may even think my plugins are complex to unintall, but it's just because most plugins developers neglect these informations. Indeed, my plugins are easier to install and uninstall than most plugins, I'm just giving complete and extensive instructions .
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