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    flag Windows XP Chrome 5.0.375.99

    Reference for parameters unavailable

    gravatar Comment by rightidea:
    Tuesday, 6 Jul 2010, at 5:28:46 PM, 14 years, 7 months ago | # |


    The concept for your plugin could be useful, but I get nothing bu and error message when I try to reference your examples for the reference syntax at http://Hikari.ws/dev/wordpress/786/internal-links-exemples/

    It might be more useful to include the examples in your readme file that is packed with the plugin so we don't need to refer to an external web page. A reference page, even if you don't have any settings to change would be even more useful for people new to WP.

    I'll check back later to see if the link works. If you could post the examples online with the WP plugin page or email them directly to me so I can try this out I'd be appreciative.


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    1. 2
      flag Windows XP Mozilla Firefox 3.6.6


      gravatar Comment by Hikari:
      Tuesday, 6 Jul 2010, at 11:25:00 PM, 14 years, 7 months ago | # | replying rightidea |


      hmm I think when I set date to publish I set it incorrectly and scheduled it to future but didn’t notice…


      It’s easier in the site because I can use TOC to index all parameters and styles to make it look better than a plain text, and also I can show the result of generated links in practice, making it easier to understand :D


      WordPress should have an option to set post date to current date, it would be easier -.-‘


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